Break/Beach Name :
Brims Ness
Photographer : Sie Baker - Rider : Spencer Hargraves - location : Brims Ness - Rating : 6 |

Pictures From the Finals of The Brims Ness Leg of the Headworx BPSA Tour |
Description :
This has to be the most intimidating Set of waves on the North Coast.
There are 3 breaks Here, the Cove, The Bowl, and The Point. Only one of which doesn't either actuallt run right onto the shelf or into a cliff face.
The point is a Left hand Point break at the most Eastly end of Brimsness running over a Granite Reef Slab. This is the only wave than runs into open water.
It's heavy wave but highly makable sections. Best on High
The Bowl is a short fast barrell, which runs into deep water in front of a small cliff face.. very intimidating. Best at low to mid.
The Cove is A Full on right hand barrel wave that breaks on to a serious shelf.. very skety on the inside. best at lowish.
Directions :
5-7 Miles West of Thurso, You'll see two big Green Silos in a farm along the road, turn down towards the farm near two bungalows. Park in the Farm, with mucho respect. the Farmer could close this break down if he wanted to no Rubbish or Agro please..
Direction Beach Faces :
Offshore Wind Direction :
Best Swell Direction :
North West
Quality :
Best Tide :
Location :
Brims Ness