System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address) at files_controls_surfingbeaches.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\files\controls\beachesdetails.ascx.vb:line 305 Surf Spot South Shields in South Shields - UK Guide to Surfing Reefs and Beaches

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Break/Beach Name : South Shields

Photographer : London - Rider : London - location : South Shields - Rating : 10
South Shields
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Surf Report for South Shields

Description :
Several Peaks that can produce fast walling barrels if the sand banks are right, can hold up to about six foot or more on the right conditions, uncrowded on weekdays. Works at all stages of the tide but best mid to low.
Directions :
Head north from Whitburn on the coast road and turn right to the tennis courts and skate park etc. loads of parking
Direction Beach Faces :
North East
Offshore Wind Direction :
Best Swell Direction :
North East
Quality :
Best Tide :
low to mid
Location :
South Shields

Photographs of South Shields

South Shields South Shields South Shields South Shields
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3 Day Surf and Weather Forecast for South Shields

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Comments about  South Shields

normally a good swell at trow. you'll meet some real gnarly guys at trow there ill you'll have a gr8 time if the surfs hot.
Made by : fydo

Current Swells hitting this Beach

This section shows all Swells that may hit this beach. As there is often more than one swell running each different swell is shown here to help you see which swell will hit your break the best.

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