System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address) at files_controls_surfingbeaches.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\files\controls\beachesdetails.ascx.vb:line 305 Surf Spot The Seafield in Seahouses - UK Guide to Surfing Reefs and Beaches

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Break/Beach Name : The Seafield

Surf Report for The Seafield

Description :
Excellent right hand reef break that is very easy to find. Works best on an easterly or strong southerly swell (over 4-5 foot, but the bigger the better), producing a 40/ 50 meter barreling right that rarely closes out, and has an easy escape before you hit the rocks. Is best with an offshore breeze, waves hit reef from reasonably deep water and so can be a bit hairy. A mate of mine broke his foot out there once.... youve been warned! Easy ish paddle out next to Seahouses harbour.
Directions :
North up A1 (or south....!) head for Alnwick, then to the coast, find seahouses. Get to town center and drive out heading north. Go past rubbish crazy golf course (after getting fish, chips and an ice cream to eat) and look out for a restaurant on your left hand within 200 meters called "the Seafield". STOP. You made it. There used to be a petrol station immediately in front of where the break is. Look straight out to sea, about 10/ 15 degrees south of the southernmost Farne Isle. Its right in front of you. Paddle out next to the harbour wall on you right.
Direction Beach Faces :
Offshore Wind Direction :
Best Swell Direction :
Quality :
Best Tide :
Mid to hig
Location :

Photographs of The Seafield

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3 Day Surf and Weather Forecast for The Seafield

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Comments about  The Seafield

does anyone know if bamburugh is surfable???
Made by : ste+

Current Swells hitting this Beach

This section shows all Swells that may hit this beach. As there is often more than one swell running each different swell is shown here to help you see which swell will hit your break the best.

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