System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request) at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address) at files_controls_surfingbeaches.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Domains\\wwwroot\files\controls\beachesdetails.ascx.vb:line 305 Surf Spot Rhosilli Bay in Gower Peninsula - UK Guide to Surfing Reefs and Beaches

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Break/Beach Name : Rhosilli Bay

Surf Report for Rhosilli Bay

Description :
Really long breaks but quite shallow, at it's wors matches an average day at Cayton
Directions :
Head to Llangenith and cross the sand dunes
Direction Beach Faces :
South West
Offshore Wind Direction :
North East
Best Swell Direction :
South West
Quality :
Best Tide :
Location :
Gower Peninsula

Photographs of Rhosilli Bay

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3 Day Surf and Weather Forecast for Rhosilli Bay

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Surf :
Period :
Direction :

Comments about  Rhosilli Bay

Great waves, Ideal for beginners. Can catch some very long breaks on some days, though the stairs to the bay coming from the carpark are horrendous and can be a bugger to take a board down.
Made by : Waverhyder

Great waves, Ideal for beginners. Can catch some very long breaks on some days, though the stairs to the bay coming from the carpark are horrendous and can be a bugger to take a board down.
Made by : Waverhyder

I went there recently and there can be some very good days. It'd be good to take a beginner to. Works best at high tide.
Made by : Iain with 2 i's

Definately worth the visit
Made by : Grinders

Awesome place to surf! Awesome locals, Pete Jones especially!
Made by : Paul

Current Swells hitting this Beach

This section shows all Swells that may hit this beach. As there is often more than one swell running each different swell is shown here to help you see which swell will hit your break the best.

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